Now keep in mind editing in Photos is always nondestructive. When I'm finished with cropping I can click Done and now the photo appears to be cropped. I can even click Custom and then enter in my own ratio. I could choose 16 x 9 which is standard for TV's and some others here. Now notice when I go to one of these Iike Square when I drag the corner it going to stay square no matter where I move the cursor. Freeform allows me to do anything I want with the width and height. I've got Original which will give me the original width and height ratio of the photo. Now I can also use some presets here under Aspect if I click the triangle next to it. Once I've cropped a little bit I can click and drag to reposition the photo. I can always drag back out if I want as well. Then while I wait it will zoom in to just the portion I've selected and I can continue to drag around. From here I can click and drag any corner I want and move that in.

Now I could access the cropping tools by clicking Crop at the top. Here I am in the Photos app and I'm going to double click on a photo to go to it. Then we'll look at a way to do it without any app at all. But then we'll look at how to crop an individual photo file using an app you already have on your Mac.

So first we're going to look at a way to do this in the Photos app because most of us have our photos there. Join us and get exclusive content and course discounts. There you can read more about the Patreon Campaign.

MacMost is brought to you thanks to a great group of more than 750 supporters. Today let me show you three ways to crop photos on your Mac. Video Transcript: Hi, this is Gary with. Check out 3 Ways To Crop Photos On a Mac at YouTube for closed captioning and more options.